Download Ice 3.7 for C#
November 6, 2023
NuGet Package
The zeroc.ice.net NuGet package is supported on the following platforms:
- .NET Framework 4.5.1
- .NET 6.0
- .NET 7.0
Detailed instructions for installing Ice for C# are available here.
Slice to C# Compiler
The slice2cs compiler is required for C# development.
Linux Repositories
Amazon Linux 2 (LTS)
Configure Yum repository
x86_64 | aarch64
sudo dnf install https://download.zeroc.com/ice/3.7/amzn2/ice-repo-3.7.amzn2.noarch.rpm
Install the Slice compilers
sudo dnf install ice-compilers
Detailed instructions for installing Ice on Linux are available here.
The Linux binary packages are signed with the following key:
- Key:rsa4096/B6391CB2CFBA643D (2017-04-03) ZeroC, Inc. (release key 2) <support@zeroc.com>
- Download:
- Fingerprint:4F9430C5FD102B029E8184CBB6391CB2CFBA643D