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Streamlining .NET QUIC Development with Dev Containers

A guide to setting up a .NET development environment for QUIC using Development Containers.

QUIC, a modern transport protocol designed with performance and security in mind, is an ideal choice for Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). However, developing .NET applications that harness the power of QUIC can be challenging due to .NET's limited support for QUIC across platforms. For example, the .NET QUIC implementation requires the libmsquic library on Linux and does not support Windows 10 or macOS as of this writing. As such, one of the most effective ways to dive into QUIC-based application development is by leveraging development containers.

A development container (or dev container for short) allows you to use a container as a full-featured development environment. It can be used to run an application, to separate tools, libraries, or runtimes needed for working with a codebase, and to aid in continuous integration and testing.

These containers enable you to create a portable, consistent development environment - solving the platform-specific challenges associated with QUIC development for .NET and ensuring that all developers on a team are using the same tools and libraries.

This guide will walk you through setting up a dev container specifically for developing a .NET application that uses QUIC and then illustrate how easy it is to use this container to run a simple QUIC server and client. However, the overall concepts involving development containers can be applied to any application!



Docker is a tool for building and sharing containerized applications. The best way to get started with Docker is by installing Docker Desktop on your machine.

Once you have installed Docker Desktop, launch it and ensure that it's running. You can verify that Docker is installed correctly and that the Docker daemon is running by executing the following command in your terminal:

docker info

Visual Studio Code

While you can use any editor that supports dev containers, this guide will assume you are using Visual Studio Code (VS Code). As such, make sure you have VS Code downloaded and the Dev Containers extension installed:

1. Create .devcontainer directory

Now that we have Docker installed and running, we can start configuring our development environment. Create a new directory or navigate to an existing project where you want to set up the development container.

Navigate to your project and create a top-level directory where you'll store your development environment configuration files and code.

mkdir .devcontainer
cd .devcontainer

2. Create devcontainer.json

Create a devcontainer.json file within the .devcontainer folder. This file will define the configuration of your development environment. While you can use the devcontainer.json file to specify a wide range of settings, we'll just instruct it to use the Dockerfile we'll create in the next step and specify some run arguments. Additional configuration options can be found in the Dev Container specification.

"name": "QUIC Development Container",
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile"

What does this devcontainer.json do?

  • The name property specifies the name of the development container. This name is displayed in the VS Code status bar when the development container is active.
  • The build property specifies the path to the Dockerfile that will be used to build the development container. In this case, the Dockerfile is located in the same directory as the devcontainer.json file and is named Dockerfile.

3. Create Dockerfile

Next, we create a Dockerfile in the .devcontainer folder. This file contains the instructions for building your Docker image, which is the foundation of your development container.

# Install libmsquic
RUN wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb \
&& dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb \
&& rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt install libmsquic -y

What does this Dockerfile do?

  • specifies the base image for the development container. This is a Linux image that includes the .NET SDK and runtime, as well as other tools and libraries required for .NET development.
  • libmsquic is a package that is required by .NET QUIC on Linux platforms. You can learn more about QUIC in .NET here.

4. QUIC and Certificates

Since QUIC is a secure transport, you will need to provide certificates. For simplicity, in this guide we'll just use the certificates provided by the IceRPC dotnet new project templates in the next section. Note, these certificates are not suitable for production use and should be replaced with your own certificates when deploying your application.

5. Using the Dev Container

To use our QUIC development container, we can use the icerpc-slice-* .NET templates as they provide a server and client that communicate over QUIC. It also handles the SSL certificates for us, making it a great starting point for quickly validating our development container.

dotnet new install IceRPC.Templates
dotnet new icerpc-slice-client -o ExampleClient --transport quic
dotnet new icerpc-slice-server -o ExampleServer --transport quic

Now that we have the Server and Client created, we can open our project in VS Code and launch the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P and search for Dev Container: Open Folder in Container and select your root-level project directory.

This will open a new VS Code window with your project loaded in the development container!

Command Palette in VS Code

Now that our project is open in the development container, we can start the Server and Client. You can do this by running the Server and Client in the VS Code integrated terminal, which will now be using the development container.

VS Code window with active dev container

For the IceRPC Client and Server this is as simple as running:

cd ExampleServer
dotnet run
# In a new terminal tab
cd ExampleClient
dotnet run


You should now see the Client and Server communicating over QUIC! You can now start developing your QUIC applications inside of the development container! This setup provides a consistent development environment across different machines and ensures that all developers are using the same tools and libraries.