Changes since version 3.1.0 --------------------------- - Added compatibility with Python 2.5. - Fixed a bug with the IceGrid allocate and sessionAllocation demos where the session would not be destroyed in the event of an allocation failure. - Restored Communicator::setDefaultContext. Changes since version 3.0.1 --------------------------- - Removed removeObjectFactory() from the communicator interface. - Removed getDefaultProperties() functions, and the global default properties. If you need global properties, you can easily create your own global variable. - The signature of Ice.createProperties() is now: def createProperties(args=[], defaults=None) where "defaults" represents an optional set of default properties used to initialize the new Properties object. Ice properties defined on the command line and properties defined in a configuration file override these default properties. - Added ability to configure Ice thread start/stop hooks through InitializationData. - Added identityToString and stringToIdentity to the Communicator interface. - It is now possible to recreate a new object adapter with the same name as an old adapter once waitForDeactivate() has completed on the old adapter. - Added new operation Communicator::createObjectAdapterWithRouter(), which creates a routed object adapter. An object adapter may now be associated with at most one router, which is defined using this operation or by setting the .Router property. Also as a result of this change, the ObjectAdapter::addRouter() and ObjectAdapter::removeRouter() operations have been removed. - The Ice.initialize() function now takes an optional argument of type Ice.InitializationData. This class contains containing communicator members that may only be set during communicator initialization. Currently included are Properties, Logger, Stats, default context and the thread hooks. The initializeWithXXX functions have been deprecated and the setLogger(), setStats() and setDefaultContext() operations have been removed. - Fixed an assertion failure in the object adapter when find is called for a non-existent identity. - Added a new operation addProxies() to Ice::Router, which can return evicted proxies. The old operation addProxy() is now deprecated. Note that this is an internal interface for communications between clients and routers (such as Glacier2). - The ice_timeout and ice_compress proxy methods now correctly override the timeout and compress flag of indirect proxy endpoints. - Added proxy methods ice_isSecure, ice_getLocator, ice_getRouter. - Deprecated the following proxy methods: ice_communicator ice_connection ice_newIdentity ice_newFacet ice_newContext ice_newAdapterId ice_newEndpoints These methods will be removed in the next major release. You should use the new methods shown below: ice_getCommunicator ice_getConnection ice_identity ice_facet ice_context ice_adapterId ice_endpoints - Added requestId to Current, which allows a servant to determine whether an operation was invoked with oneway or twoway semantics. The requestId member is 0 for oneway invocations. - AMI invocations will now reuse the connection cached with the proxy instead of always looking up an existing connection for each invocation. As a side effect of this change, AMI invocations on a proxy with collocation optimization enabled will now raise Ice::CollocationOptimizationException. - Added the property Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout and the proxy method ice_locatorCacheTimeout(). If a cached endpoint is older than the configured cache timeout, the Ice runtime won't use the cached endpoint. Instead, the Ice runtime will query the Ice locator service to retrieve up-to-date endpoints and then update the locator cache. Please see the Ice manual for more information. - Added the proxy method ice_endpointSelection, which allows an application to control how endpoints are selected at connection establishment. Two endpoint selection types are currently supported: Random and Ordered. - Added the proxy method ice_connectionCached. This method allows you to enable or disable the caching of the connection by the proxy. By default, the proxy will cache the connection to avoid looking it up for each request. Disabling the connection caching is useful to do per-request load balancing: the proxy will select a connection for each request and the request will eventually be sent to different servers. - Performance improvements if an AMI callback object is reused with the same proxy. - If several proxies share the same connection, and an operation call on one of the proxies causes a failure and the shared connection to be closed, then subsequent calls on the other proxies will try to establish a new connection instead of throwing an exception, even if retries are disabled. - If a proxy is not configured with the -h parameter, Ice will now attempt to connect using all local interfaces. The loopback interface ( will only be tried if it is the only local interface present. Changes since version 3.0.0 --------------------------- - Fixed a bug where Ice plugin command line options were not parsed. - Fixed a bug in the Slice parser that caused problems if an included file contained white space in the file name. - Added IceGrid, IceStorm and Glacier2 demos. Changes since version 2.1.2 --------------------------- - IcePy shared library has been moved into the python directory, removing the need to add an additional directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. - Removed ice_default() method from proxies. - Added the proxy method ice_connectionId, which allows an application to control connection reuse. - Added the new methods Ice.initializeWithLogger() and Ice.initializeWithPropertiesAndLogger(), which ensure that a custom logger is used to record any errors during communicator initialization. - Invocations on collocated servants are now supported. - Added proxy methods to retrieve the proxy adapter id and endpoints (ice_getAdapterId() and ice_getEndpoints()) and to create a new proxy with a new adapter id or new endpoints (ice_newAdapterId() and ice_newEndpoints()). - Exception stack trace information is now included when possible in the 'unknown' member of Ice.UnknownException and its derived types. - Fixed compilation errors for 64-bit GCC builds. - Added ice_communicator() to proxies. This function returns the communicator that was used to create the proxy. - Added ice_toString() to proxies. This function returns the stringified proxy. This function can be more convenient to use than communicator.proxyToString() because you do not need the communicator to stringify a proxy that way. - Ice.ObjectImpl is now an abstract class that cannot be instantiated. This change should be transparent to application code. Changes since version 2.1.1 --------------------------- - Fixed a bug that resulted in an UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException when Slice definitions are reloaded. Changes since version 2.1.0 --------------------------- - Added sequences of fixed-length elements to throughput demo. - Added -E option to the various Slice compilers to print preprocessor output on stdout. - Fixed a bug in the option parsing for Ice tools such as slice2cpp, slice2java, slice2cs, etc. The option parser used to incorrectly complain about repeated options when in fact no option was repeated. Also changed the parser to permit options to follow an argument, so slice2cpp -I. and slice2cpp -I. are now equivalent. Changes since version 2.0.0 --------------------------- - Added support for Mac OS X 10.3.x - Added support for stringifying generated types. - Added support for Ice::Connection, which is accessible to servants from Ice::Current, and to clients from the proxy operation ice_connection. - Added setDefaultContext() and getDefaultContext() to the Ice::Communicator interface. This allows a default context to be established on a communicator-wide basis. See section 29.9.3 in the doc. Added ice_defaultContext to Ice::ObjectProxy. This creates a new proxy that uses the default context established on the communicator. - Modified the checkedCast member function of the generated Prx classes to accept an optional trailing argument of type Ice::Context. This makes it possible to do stateful things that require a context in a servant locator's activate() method.